<div dir="ltr"><div>e</div><br><div><b>Naiades</b> - Fresh water nymphs.</div><div><br> Daphne<br> Metope<br> Minthe<br><br><b>The Nymphai Hyperboreioi</b> - Presided over aspects of archery.<br><br> Hekaerge - Represented distancing<br> Loxo - Represented trajectory<br> Oupis - Represented aim<br><br><b>Oreades</b> - Mountain nymphs.<br><br> Adrasteia - A nursemaid of the infant Zeus<br> Echo - A nymph cursed never to speak except to repeat the words of others<br><br><b>The Ourea</b> - Primeval gods of mountains.<br><br><b>The Palici</b> - A pair of rustic gods who presided over the geysers and thermal springs in Sicily.<br><br><b>Pan</b> - God of shepherds, pastures, and fertility.<br><br><b>Potamoi</b> - River gods.<br><br> Achelous<br> Acis<br> Alpheus<br> Asopus<br> Cladeus<br> Eurotas<br> Nilus<br> Peneus<br> Scamander<br><br><b>Priapus</b> - God of garden fertility.<br><br><b>Satyrs/Satyresses</b> - Rustic fertility spirits.<br></div><div><br></div><div> Krotos - A great hunter and musician who kept the company of the Muses on Mount Helicon<br><br><b>Silenus</b> - An old rustic god of the dance of the wine-press.<br></div><div><br></div><div><b>Telete</b> - Goddess of initiation into the Bacchic orgies.<br><br><b>Zagreus</b> - In the Orphic mysteries, the first incarnation of Dionysus.</div><div><div><br></div><div>t</div><div><strong><br></strong></div><div><strong>naiades</strong> - na’be’bogh bIQ nymphs. pongmey: <em>daphne</em>, <em>metope</em>, <em>minthe</em>.</div><div>
<p><strong>nymphai hyperboreioi</strong> - naQjejHom bachmeH laHmey <em>nymphs</em>. pongmey: <em>hekaerge</em> (chuq noHmeH laH ‘oS), <em>loxo</em> (naQjejHom He ‘oS), <em>oupis</em> (QeqmeH laH ‘oS).</p>
<p><strong>oreades</strong> - HuD <em>nymphs</em>. pongmey: <em>adrasteia</em> (ghu ghaHtaHvIS <em>zeus</em>‘e’, luQorgh ‘op. wa’ ghaH <em>adrasteia</em>‘e’), <em>echo</em> (jatlhtaHvIS <em>nymph</em>vam, latlhpu’ mu’mey neH jatlhqa’laH. <em>echo</em>vaD qaS Sanvam mIgh pa’logh ‘e’ jIn vay’).</p>
<p><strong>ourea</strong> - HuDmey bIreS’a’-Qunpu’.</p>
<p><strong>palici</strong> - loD chaHbogh Qun’e’. Hatlh Qun chang’eng. <em>sicily</em>Daq ghItwI’mey tujbogh yav bIQ Halmey je SeH cha’ Qunvam.</p>
<p><strong>pan</strong> - loD ghaHbogh Qun’e’. DI’raqmey Qanbogh nuvpu’ Qun. pIrmoHbogh Qun. ‘op yotlhDaq magh luSop Ha’DIbaH tlhay’; yotlhmeyvam Qun. </p>
<p><strong>potamoi</strong> - loD chaHbogh bIQtIq-Qun’e’. pongmey: <em>achelous</em>, <em>acis</em>, <em>alpheus</em>, <em>asopus</em>, <em>cladeus</em>, <em>eurotas</em>, <em>nilus</em>, <em>peneus</em>, <em>scamander</em>.</p>
<p><strong>priapus</strong> - loD ghaHbogh Qun’e’. pIr Du’Hommey; ghu’vam Qun.</p>
<p><strong>satyrs/satyresses</strong> - pIrlu’; ghu’vam Hatlh qa’pu’. <em>krotos</em> (<em>helicon</em> HuDDaq <em>helicon</em> <em>muses</em> tlhej <em>krotos</em>. wamwI’ Dun muchwI’ je ghaH).</p>
<p><strong>silenus</strong> - loD ghaHbogh Hatlh Qun qan’e’. <em>wine</em> lInglu’taHvIS, ghIrep tapwI’Daq mI’lu’. ghIrep tapwI’ mI’meH Ho’DoS Qun.</p>
<p><strong>telete</strong> - be’ ghaHbogh Qun’e’. <em>bacchus</em> peghbogh taymey SeQ bop Qunvam. qaStaHvIS taymeyvam, mI’ ‘ej bom jeSwI’pu’. taymeyvam jeSwI’vaD taymeyvam SovchoHmoH <em>telete.</em></p>
<p><strong>zagreus - </strong><em>dionysus</em> tu’qom wa’DIch ghaH <em>zagreus</em>‘e’ ‘e’ luSovmoH <em>orpheus</em> tay pegh.</p><p>~ Dana'an<br><b>Ζεὺς ἦν, Ζεὺς ἐστίν, Ζεὺς ἔσσεται· ὦ μεγάλε Ζεῦ</b></p></div></div></div>