<div dir="ltr"><div>en</div><div><br></div><div><b>Aegaeon</b> - God of violent sea storms and ally of the Titans.<br><br><b>Amphitrite</b> - Sea goddess and consort of Poseidon.<br><br><b>Benthesikyme</b> - Daughter of Poseidon, who resided in Ethiopia.<br><br><b>Brizo</b> - Patron goddess of sailors, who sent prophetic dreams.<br><br><b>Ceto</b> - Goddess of the dangers of the ocean and of sea monsters.<br><br><b>Cymopoleia</b> - A daughter of Poseidon married to the Giant Briareus.<br><br><b>Eidothea</b> - Prophetic sea nymph and daughter of Proteus.<br><br><b>Glaucus</b> - The fisherman's sea god and oracle.<br><br><b>Leucothea</b> - A sea goddess who aided sailors in distress.</div><div><br></div><div>tlh</div><div><p><strong>aegaeon</strong> - bIQ’a’Daq jevchu’; ghu’vam loD ghaHbogh Qun’e’; <em>titans</em> boqwI’.</p>
<p><strong>amphitrite</strong> - bIQ’a’ be’ ghaHbogh Qun’e’; <em>poseidon</em> ‘Ipnal.</p>
<p><strong>benthesikyme</strong> <em>- poseidon</em> puqbe’; <em>ethiopia</em> Dab.</p>
<p><strong>brizo</strong> - be’ ghaHbogh Qun’e’; bIQ’a’ Duj beqpu’ QanwI’ le’. QongtaHvIS nuv, nuvvam najmoH <em>brizo</em>, ‘ej tuch lu’otHa’ Suchtuv ngeHbogh Qunvam.</p>
<p><strong>ceto</strong> - be’ ghaHbogh Qun’e’; bIQ’a’ Qobmey bIQ’a’ tlhapraghmey je Qun.</p>
<p><strong>cymopoleia</strong> - <em>poseidon</em> puqbe’; <em>giant</em> ghaHbogh <em>briareus</em>‘e’ tlhoghpu’.</p>
<p><strong>eidothea</strong> - tuch<em> </em>rItbogh bIQ’a’ <em>nymph</em>; <em>proteus</em> puqbe’ ghaH.</p>
<p><strong>glaucus</strong> - loD ghaHbogh Qun’e’; ghotI’ wamwI’pu’ bIQ’a’ Qun. ghotI’ wamwI’pu’vaD tuch ‘otHa’meH <em>glaucus</em>, maqlegh ghogh lo’.</p>
<p><strong>leucothea</strong> - be’ ghaHbogh bIQ’a’ Qun’e’; SottaHvIS bIQ’a’ Duj beqpu’, beqpu’vam QaH <em>leucothea</em>.</p><p>~ Dana'an<br><b>peQuch'eghmoH <i>olympus</i> Qun<br>peQuch'eghmoH 'elaDya'nganpu'na' Qun</b></p></div></div>