<div dir="ltr"><div>en<br></div><div><br></div><div><b>Amphiaraus</b> - a seer, and one of the Seven against Thebes who became an oracular spirit of the Underworld after his death.<br><br><b>Angelos</b> - a daughter of Zeus and Hera who became an underworld goddess.<br><br><b>Askalaphos</b> - the son of Acheron and Orphne who tended the Underworld orchards before being transformed into a screech owl by Demeter.<br><br><b>Charon</b> - ferryman of Hades.<br><br><b>Cronus</b> - deposed king of the Titans; after his release from Tartarus he was appointed king of the Island of the Blessed.<br><br><b>Erebos</b> - the primeval god of darkness, his mists encircled the underworld and filled the hollows of the earth.<br><b><br>The Erinyes</b> - the Furies, goddesses of retribution, known as "The Kindly Ones": Alecto "the unceasing one", Tisiphone "avenger of murder", Megaera "the jealous one".</div><div><br clear="all"></div>tlh<br><div><p><strong>amphiaraus</strong> - tuch ghu’mey ‘otHa’bogh vay’; yIntaHvIS, <em>thebes</em> ghobpu’bogh Soch SuvwI’ ghom SuvwI’ ghaH, ‘ej Heghpu’DI’, bIng qo’ qa’ mojpu’; yInbogh nuvpu’vaD jatlhmeH <em>amphiaraus</em>, maqlegh ghogh lo’.</p>
<p><strong>angelos </strong>- <em>zeus</em> <em>hera</em> je puqbe’; bIng qo’ Qun mojpu’.</p>
<p><strong>askalaphos</strong> - bIng qo’ naH Sormey Qorghpu’bogh <em>acheron</em> <em>orphne</em> je puqloD; tagha’ ghaHvaD <em>screech</em> lIr mojmoHpu’ <em>demeter</em>.</p>
<p><strong>charon</strong> <em>- hades</em> nuv lupmeH bIQ Duj DeghwI’.</p>
<p><strong>cronus</strong> - <em>titans</em> voDleH ghaHpu’, ‘ach pe’vIl lu’pu’; <em>tartarus</em>vo’ <em>cronus</em> jonHa’lu’pu’DI’, ghaHvaD Quchchu’wI’pu’ ‘ambay voDleH mojmoHlu’ta’.</p>
<p><strong>erebos</strong> - Hurghchu’ghach loD ghaHbogh bI’reS Qun’e’; bIng qo’ luDech ‘ej tera’ Daqmey woD buy’moH vI’laSmeyDaj.</p>
<p><strong>erinyes</strong> - <em>furies</em>; tuch bIj be’ chaHbogh Qun’e’. chaHvaD ruv Qun luponglu’ je. <em>alecto</em> (mevbe’taHwI’), <em>tisiphone</em> (chotchugh nuv, noD Qunvam), <em>megaera</em> (ghalwI’).</p><p>~ Dana'an<br><b>zeus was, zeus is, zeus will be; o great zeus (dodona oracle chant)<br></b></p></div></div>