<div dir="auto">I know that perhaps this is a ridiculous thing to ask, but I'll ask anyway, just to make certain.<br>
The only Ca'Non examples of the verb {ja'} which I know of, come from tkd and they are the following:<br>
{nuja'rup} "they are prepared to tell us"<br>
{qaja'pu' HIqaghQo'} or {HIqaghQo' qaja'pu'} "I told you not to interrupt me"<br>
In these Ca'Non examples the "prefix trick" way of use is employed (I don't know how else to describe it), i.e we don't have {maHvaD ja'rup}, and we don't have {SoHvaD jIja'pu' HIqaghQo'}/{HIqaghQo' SoHvaD jIja'pu'}.<br>
So, the thing I'm wondering is this..<br>
Is it necessary that whenever we use the {ja'} we need to use it the "prefix trick" way? Can't we use it with the {-vaD} way too?<br>
~ Dana'an</div>