<div dir="auto">There's the Ca'Non sentence: {QamvIS Hagh qaq law' torvIS yIn qaq puS}.<br>
Based on the above could we write something like the following?<br>
Suvlu'taHvIS batlh potlh law' yInlu'taHvIS tlhuH potlh puS<br>
honor while fighting is more important than breath while living<br>
or maybe even:<br>
SuvchoHlu'DI' batlh potlh law' yInchoHlu'DI' tlhuH potlh puS<br>
as soon as someone begins to fight honor is more important than breath as soon he begins to live<br>
Based on the Ca'Non {QamvIS Hagh qaq law' torvIS yIn qaq puS}, could I construct sentences as the above, or is the QamvIS Hegh.. some kind of "maltz-said-so-special-phrase-so-shut-up-and-don't-generalize" case?<br>
~ Dana'an<br>
indeed, death while standing is preferable to life while kneeling<br></div>