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<h1>[tlhIngan Hol] pluralizing non-klingon words in a klingon text</h1>
<b>On </b><i>Mon Jul 20 08:45:16 PDT 2020</i><b> mayqel qunen'oS</b> <a href="mailto:tlhingan-hol%40lists.kli.org?Subject=Re%3A%20%5BtlhIngan%20Hol%5D%20pluralizing%20non-klingon%20words%20in%20a%20klingon%20text&In-Reply-To=%3Cnv61a1eqaqfb5eo19g7ipotm.1595259710293%40email.android.com%3E" title="[tlhIngan Hol] pluralizing non-klingon words in a klingon text">mihkoun at gmail.com</a> wrote:
<pre>>If I write {Do' *wolf*mey tu'lu' je}, then this would be as ridiculous as writing in an english passage a >greek word and pluralizing it by adding an english plural suffix.
>I've never seen in a greek passage, foreign words being pluralized by greek suffixes. Noone does that, >since doing so would be ridiculous.
>Of course there are no Ca'Non rules about how to approach this in klingon, but personally, if I'd needed >to throw in an english word in its' plural form, I'd prefer to do just that, instead of writing crap like >*wolf*mey.
I may be missing something, but can't you just write tera' ngavyaw'mey for 'wolves'?</div></div></body></html>