<div dir="auto">jIH:<br>
> DevwI' vIQuchmoHpu'<br>
> I have caused the leader to be happy, but that happiness is over<br>
> No, it means I caused the leader to be happy, and now my causing that is over.<br>
> In other words, my action of making the leader happy is complete. Whether the<br>
> leader is still happy or not is not mentioned.<br>
ok, thanks.<br>
But let me ask you something, since there's something which still confuses me..<br>
Would you agree, that the sentence {DevwI' vIQuchmoHpu'} could mean as well "I cause that the leader has been happy, but that happiness is over" ?<br>
I know that it doesn't make sense, as far as it's meaning is concerned, but I'm just trying to understand how things work.<br>
I understand, that in the translation you provided (the "I caused the leader to be happy, and now my causing that is over"), the {-pu'} refers to the {-moH} and then their combined meaning acts on the {Quch}.<br>
But couldn't the {-pu'} act on the {Quch}, and then their combined meaning being modified by the {-moH} ?<div dir="auto"><br></div><div dir="auto">~ mayqel qunen'oS</div></div>