<html><head></head><body><div style="color:#000; background-color:#fff; font-family:Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, Lucida Grande, sans-serif;font-size:13px"><div id="yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1501212322058_5098">Thanks for the welcome back!<br><br>Steven Boozer wrote:</div><div id="yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1501212322058_5227"><br></div><div id="yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1501212322058_5130" dir="ltr">>1. For glasses we already have a word from ?TalkNow! Klingon? (TNK): {mIn QanwI' nguv} <br></div><div dir="ltr" id="yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1501212322058_5239">>?sunglasses? (i.e., ?dark eye protectors?) ? which implies {mIn QanwI'} for regular eyeglasses. If <br></div><div dir="ltr" id="yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1501212322058_5238">>you really want to be specific, you could say {mIn QanwI? Dem} ?uncolored glasses? using the new <br></div><div dir="ltr" id="yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1501212322058_5240">>verb {Dem} ?be clear, transparent, uncolored? from qepHom 2016.<br id="yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1501212322058_5191"><br id="yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1501212322058_5192">OK, cool. I knew the word "mIn QanwI' nguv", but I didn't imagine it could be turned into a word for vision-correcting glasses.<br id="yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1501212322058_5193"><br id="yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1501212322058_5194">>2. For tank top, don?t forget {yIvbeH}:<br id="yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1501212322058_5195">><br id="yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1501212322058_5196">>(KGT 57f.): the traditional warrior's tunic ({yIvbeH}) was made of a material (what it was is now <br></div><div dir="ltr" id="yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1501212322058_5241">>unknown) resistant to puncture, just to add a little protection. Accompanying sleeves ({tlhaymey}), <br></div><div dir="ltr" id="yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1501212322058_5256">>originally not parts of the tunic itself, were generally made of animal pelts ({veDDIrmey}) ? (In <br></div><div dir="ltr" id="yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1501212322058_5257">>modern usage, the word {yIvbeH} in most places means any shirt, with or without sleeves.)<br id="yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1501212322058_5197">>(KGT 29f.): In the Vospeg ({voSpegh}) region, on the other hand, {yIvbeH} refers only to a <br></div><div dir="ltr" id="yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1501212322058_5258">>sleeveless shirt (thus retaining much of the word's original meaning, a sleeveless protective garment <br></div><div dir="ltr" id="yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1501212322058_5259">>worn by warriors), {wep} means a shirt with sleeves, and any jacket or coat is a {cheSvel}, a word >that elsewhere refers to a specific style of coat associated with, not surprisingly, the Vospeg region.<br id="yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1501212322058_5199"><br id="yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1501212322058_5200">Thanks for this information. I don't own a copy of _Klingon for the Galactic Traveler_. I didn't know what a yIvbeH *was* exactly.<br id="yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1501212322058_5201"><br id="yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1501212322058_5202">>3. For teenagers and adolescents ? as you know from KGT we have:<br id="yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1501212322058_5203">><br id="yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1501212322058_5204">>nen growth, maturation (n)<br id="yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1501212322058_5205">>nen be mature, be grown-up, be adult (v)<br id="yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1501212322058_5206">>nenchoH mature, grow up (v)<br id="yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1501212322058_5207">><br id="yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1501212322058_5208">>*{nenHa?} would be a good way to refer to someone immature, not grown-up; in other words, an <br></div><div dir="ltr" id="yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1501212322058_5260">>adolescent or teenager. That being said, Okrand - or is it Maltz? - usually refers to them as <br></div><div dir="ltr" id="yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1501212322058_5268">>?younger Klingons?, ?younger people?, ?younger speakers?, ?the younger generation?, etc. E.g.<br id="yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1501212322058_5209">><br id="yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1501212322058_5210">>(KGT 138): the characteristic patterns of younger people's speech, if noticed and commented upon, <br></div><div dir="ltr" id="yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1501212322058_5269">>are more likely to be judged sloppy or careless rather than wrong.<br id="yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1501212322058_5211">><br id="yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1501212322058_5212">>(KGT 141): Despite this debatable advantage, and despite the slow but ongoing spread of the <br></div><div dir="ltr" id="yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1501212322058_5274">>practice among younger speakers, most Klingons still consider the ambiguous use of {yI-} an error.<br id="yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1501212322058_5213">><br id="yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1501212322058_5214">>So {tlhInganpu? Qan}, {nuv Qan}, {jatlhwI?pu? Qan}, {puq poH Qan}, etc.<br id="yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1501212322058_5215"><br id="yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1501212322058_5216">Qan? The word for "to protect"? <br id="yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1501212322058_5217"><br id="yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1501212322058_5218">I can't seem to find information on how to translate comparatives when there is no stanfard. There are "law'" and "puS" for constructions like "pal Qup law' pIyta Qup puS" for "Paul is younger than Peter", but how would one say "younger generation"?<br></div></div></body></html>