<div dir="ltr"><div class="gmail_extra">As usual, context is key.
</div><div class="gmail_extra"><br></div><div class="gmail_extra">I would not think "young" unless context made it clear that we were discussing the ages of animals.</div><div class="gmail_extra">Perhaps hunting season is upon us, and the prey have to be a certain age in order for us to kill them.</div><div class="gmail_extra">{loDHom} does mean "boy" afterall. Is a boy a small man, a young man, a lesser man?</div><div class="gmail_extra">What about a midget? Is a midget not a {loDHom}?</div><div class="gmail_extra"><br></div><div class="gmail_extra"><br></div><div class="gmail_extra">I could also see two people camping, one of them is new to camping.</div><div class="gmail_extra">They hear a rustling in the brush, and the camper who knows the area informs the newcomer that it's a {Ha'DIbaHHom}, and not to worry about it.</div><div class="gmail_extra"><br></div><div class="gmail_extra"><br></div><div class="gmail_extra"><br></div><div class="gmail_extra">~naHQun</div></div>