<div dir="ltr">jatlh SuStel:<br><div><div><p style="margin-left:40px">I would hesitate to include any type 1, 6, or 8 suffixes on a <b>-wI'</b>
verb. 1, because I'm not sure about how the reflexive nature of
the word interacts with <b>-wI'</b> (but I'd probably accept
something like <b>HIvchuqwI'</b><i> those who attack each other</i>).
6, because there are analogous noun suffixes to do the same thing,
except <b>-chu',</b> which seems more important to a noun's
fundamental meaning. 8, because <b>-neS</b> would be more
appropriate on the main verb of the sentence, not tucked away
inside a noun.<span class="HOEnZb"><font color="#888888"><br>
</font></span></p><span class="HOEnZb"></span></div><div><div class="gmail_extra">I'd think Type 1 would generally work, but only for actions that can be reflexive. And {HIvchuqwI'} would make sense to me used as a singular noun, knowing that it's a word like {'er'In}: even if {megh'an} isn't mentioned, I know there must be one. {yayta' wa' HIvchuqwI' neH} makes sense, doesn't it? Of course {-chu'} works with {-wI'}, or else ghunchu'wI' would vanish in a puff of grammar, and I expect everyone would accept {HubneSwI'} and {HIvneSwI'} as about the only exceptions to your caveat about Type 8.<br><br></div><div class="gmail_extra">But for other suffixes plus {-wI'}, I'd expect the the likeliest cause of raised eyebrows would be {-lu'}. There isn't a consensus on this, though one of my fondest wishes is for Maltz to confirm my opinion on the matter.<br></div><div class="gmail_extra">-- <br><div class="gmail_signature" data-smartmail="gmail_signature"><div dir="ltr"><div>mIp'av yergho<br>bu''a'<br>baHwI'<br>IKAV chuch 'etlh<br><br>My modeling blog:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â <a href="http://bellerophon-modeler.blogspot.com/" target="_blank">http://bellerophon-modeler.blogspot.com/</a><br>My other modeling blog:Â <a href="http://bellerophon.blog.com/" target="_blank">http://bellerophon.blog.com/</a><br></div></div></div>