[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: naSIn

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Wed Jan 29 07:53:40 PST 2025

Klingon word: naSIn
Part of speech: noun
Definition: vertical post
Source: qep'a' 30 [2023]

AFAIK not used in a sentence.

(qep'a' 2023:  The {Solrogh} is the entire structure, including both railing and support (and other) posts, if any. The word for a vertical post, whether it actually holds up the railing or is there for ornamentation only (or, in mostly non-Klingon sites, safety) is {naSIn}. A {naSIn} that actually provides support for the railing is a {Solrogh tut}. The railing alone is a {raqvel}. 

cf. https://klingon.wiki/Word/Solrogh for details and a helpful drawing.

'amrI'  		balcony (n)
choghvat  	stairway leading to door of a ship;  porch (n)
letlh  		stairs,  stairway (n)

(KGT 29):  the word for stairs or stairway in most of the Empire is {letlh}. One type of {letlh} is a {choghvat}, the stairway leading to and from the doorway of a ship. In a couple of dialects in the Mekro'vak (meqro'vaq) region, however, {letlh} refers only to the stairway connected to a ship, while {ngep'oS} is any other kind of stairway but not one used to enter or exit a ship.

Any other railing or fence-related vocabulary known?

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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