[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: rubyo'

De'vID de.vid.jonpin at gmail.com
Sun Jan 19 14:34:17 PST 2025

On Fri, Jan 17, 2025 at 4:47 PM Steven Boozer via tlhIngan-Hol <
tlhingan-hol at lists.kli.org> wrote:

> Klingon Word of the Day for Friday, January 17, 2025
> Klingon word: rubyo'
> Part of speech: noun
> Definition: politician
> Source: qep'a' 28 [2021]
> _______________________________________________
> (qep'a' 2021):  "grammatically: language user"
> PUN: U.S. politician Marco Rubio

Do we have reason to believe that this is a reference to Marco Rubio, other
than the phonetic resemblance? It seems out of character for Okrand. While
there are references to real-life people in the vocabulary, they have
tended to be either people in Okrand's life or from the entertainment
industry (either real people or the names of characters). AFAIK Okrand
doesn't live in Florida, where Rubio is senator, so what is the connection?

OTOH I'm hard-pressed to come up with an alternative explanation.

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