[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: mIwba'

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Thu Feb 20 09:34:17 PST 2025

Klingon word: mIwba'
Part of speech: noun
Definition: trial
Source: QelIS boqHarmey [Klingon Alice]

(Klingon Alice):  the process of what happens at court

(Klingon Alice, p.233):   A trial is called a {mIwba'}.  {noH} is "judge" in the sense of estimating: "I judge that to be two meters away", so that won't work in this context.  Also, an {'oDwI'} is an "arbitrator" or "mediator," so that doesn't seem right. 

mIw  		procedure, process;  step, stage (in a process) (n)

bo'DIj 		court [of law] (n)
ruv 		justice (n)
teblaw' 		jurisdiction (n)
yoj 		judgment (n) [use for verdict?]

nompuq 	evidence (n)
meqba'  	*mek'ba* (legal proceeding in which evidence is heard) (n)

nguHwI'  	witness (one who testifies in court) (n) 
jantor 		witness, eyewitness (n)

wuqwI' 		juror (n)
wuqwI' ghom 	jury (n)
bIj  		punishment (n) [use for sentence?]

'oDwI' 		arbitrator, mediator (n)
loHwI' 		magistrate (n)

ghIpDIj 		court martial (v)
nguH 		testify (v)
noH 		judge, estimate (v)
'oD 		arbitrate, mediate (v)
meq  		reason, think logically (v)
bIj  		punish (v)

Hmm... we have a surprising amount of legal vocabulary, though I've probably missed some.  I imagine it's because trials are inherently dramatic for TV and movie writers.

loHwI' vISuch 'e' vIpoQ! 
I demand to see the magistrate!  (ENT "Affliction")

"Sentence first - verdict afterwards." (White Queen, _Alice in Wonderland_)

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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