[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: Hol ghoQ

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Mon Feb 17 08:02:07 PST 2025

Klingon Word of the Day for Monday, February 17, 2025

Klingon word: Hol ghoQ
Part of speech: noun
Definition: slang, fresh language (mostly used by younger Klingons)

(KGT 35):  The primary difference between the speech of older and younger Klingons, however, lies in the choice of vocabulary.  Younger Klingons describe some of the vocabulary used by their elders as {mu'mey Doy'} ("tired words"), preferring to use what they call {mu'mey ghoQ} ("fresh words") or even {Hol ghoQ} ("fresh language").  [...]  Perhaps slang is a good translation of {mu'mey ghoQ}.  Some older Klingons incorporate some of the {mu'mey ghoQ} into their own speech, though some claim to not understand the {mu'mey ghoQ} at all (nor are they quite sure what the term itself means).  Any visitor to a Klingon planet will undoubtedly encounter {mu'mey ghoQ} and should learn as many slang words as possible ahead of time in order to fit in easily and to avoid having to ask for explanations.  New words are constantly coming into use, however, so some asking is inescapable.  On the other hand, a visitor should be keenly aware that some Klingons use more slang than others, and some try to ignore the phenomenon entirely.  To avert potential unpleasantness, the best tactic is to avoid using slang in conversation until someone else has first.

(KGT 176):  Sometimes words or phrases are coined for a specific occasion, intentionally violating grammatical rules in order to have an impact.  Usually these are never heard again, though some gain currency and might as well be classified as slang. Klingon grammarians call such forms {mu'mey ru'} ("temporary words").  Sometimes, {mu'mey ru'} fill a void--that is, give voice to an idea for which there is no standard (or even slang) expression; sometimes, like slang, they are just more emphatic ways of expressing an idea.

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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