[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: yol

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Fri Feb 14 07:26:38 PST 2025

Klingon word: 	yol
Part of speech: 	noun
Definition: 	conflict

AFAIK not used in a sentence.

(KGT 47):  Similarly, there are several verbs for fight, battle, and the like.  Most broadly, do battle or wage war -- that is, actually engage in a conflict in which a number of combatants are involved--is {ghob}.  [...]  In parallel fashion, any specific battle is {may'}, but the concept of battle is {vIq}, often translated as combat...  In short, the nouns {veS} (war, warfare) and {vIq} (combat) and the verb {Qoj} (wage war) all are used to refer to the ideas of warfare, combat, and making war, while the nouns {noH} (war) and {may'} (battle) and the verbs {ghob} (make war, do battle) and {Suv} (fight) are used when referring to specific, concrete instances of war, battle, and fighting. 

(TKW 80):  Within the Klingon Empire, there are no written treaties ... This has caused conflicts from time to time in dealing with the Federation, which prefers documentation.
(STEnc. [1994 ed.]):  Mempa Sector - location in Klingon territory.  Site of several key battles during the Klingon civil war of 2368.  Forces loyal to Gowron suffered a major defeat in the Mempa System during the conflict." [TNG "Redemption I & II"]

  The IKC Bortas [ie. "vengeance, revenge"] later served as Gowron's flagship during the Klingon civil war of 2367-68; Worf served as weapons officer aboard the Bortas during the early part of that conflict. (TNG "Redemption I")

  In John Ford's novel _The Final Reflection_ there is a Klingon video series named "Battlecruiser Vengeance", featuring the adventures of Klingon Captain Koth of the IKC Vengeance, in conflict with alien races such as Humans, Romulans and Kinshaya and others, and trying to capture their ships. Koth was always triumphant -- each episode ended with him being asked who he was by those he had captured, and answering, "I am Captain Koth. Koth of the Vengeance. And this ship is my prize."

Seng 		trouble (n)
ghol  		opponent,  adversary (n)
jagh		enemy (n)

qay' 		be a problem/hassle  (v)
Seng  		cause trouble (v)

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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