[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: vum

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Wed Feb 5 07:13:39 PST 2025

Klingon Word of the Day for Wednesday, February 05, 2025

Klingon word: vum
Part of speech: noun
Definition: contemptible or despicable person, scumbag, bastard
Source: Star Trek Into Darkness, qepHom 2013

potlhmo' batlh, vIqawba'.  'ej chIvo' neH chIw vum'e'. 
Because you care about honor. And this man has none.  (STID)

petaQ 		*p'takh* (n)
petaQ'a' 	dirty *p'takh* (PB)
natlh 		be reprehensible, disgusting, contemptible, shameful, objectionable (slang vb.)

(KGT 155):  The slang term {natlh} is a frequently heard expression of disapproval or disgust, the speaker's comment on an event, another person, or a situation. Though by no means a curse and having no overtones of vulgarity, it is nonetheless a rather forceful term, used to express a strong emotion ... In its slang usage, however, the verb never has an object and the subject is what is being disparaged: {natlh 'Iw HIq} ("The bloodwine is disgusting"; literally, "the bloodwine consumes"); {natlh romuluSnganpu'} ("Romulans are objectionable"; literally "Romulans consume"); {bInatlh} ("You are contemptible" literally, "You consume"). Often, the word is used with no overt subject, as if an exclamation: {natlh} ("It is objectionable," or "That is shameful"; literally, "It consumes"). 
     Nonslang counterparts, none of which carries the impact of {natlh}, might be {quv Hutlh} (lack honor), {qab} (be bad), or {Do'Ha'} (be unfortunate). The word {'up} (disgusting, repugnant) may also be used, most commonly in reference to food or drink. See also {SaS} (literally, be horizontal), another slang term used to voice disapproval. 

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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