[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: chab vutwI'
Steven Boozer
sboozer at uchicago.edu
Tue Feb 4 07:22:50 PST 2025
Klingon Word of the Day for Friday, January 31, 2025
Klingon word: chab vutwI'
Part of speech: noun
Definition: pizza baker
Source: qepHom 2023
AFAIK not used in a sentence.
(qepHom 2023): Most common is {vutwI'} preceded, if need be, by {tIr ngogh} or {chab} or whatever, but {ngeSmoHwI'} is possible.
(Lieven < MO, 6/20/2023): I asked Marc Okrand if there was a special verb for "bake, make bread". He did not answer directly giving a word, but suggested to use {vut}, leaving options open. Here's what he said about that: {vut} is kind of like "make" in English, as in "I make bread, I make coffee, I make hamburgers, I make beer". There are four different preparation techniques involved, but, in everyday usage, the one word "make" will do (though, of course, there are additional choices). In Klingon, I'd {vut} all of these things. For your story, the 'baker' is a 'bread maker,' so {tIr ngogh vutwI'} is a reasonable translation. That is, {vut} is an acceptable translation of bake.
(SuStel [date?]): At a qep'a' a few years ago, we asked Marc Okrand about this, and he said that {chab} would work for this. The word means any baked bread or crust sort of food. So, doughnuts are {chab}, turnovers are {chab}, and pizza is {chab}.
pItSa' chab pizza (n)
chab pie, tart, dumpling (n)
tIr ngogh bread (n)
tomat naHmey tomatoes (n)
nIm wIb ngogh cheese (n)
vutwI' cook, chef (n)
tIr ngogh vutwI' baker, bread maker (n)
ngeSmoHwI' baker (n) (qepHom 2023)
"Commander Tucker suggests that I try something called 'pizza'. Would you care to join me?" (Tolaris to T'Pol in the Enterprise mess hall, ENT "Fusion"]
Ca'Non Master of the Klingons
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