[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: ghaytanHa'
Steven Boozer
sboozer at uchicago.edu
Wed Sep 25 08:10:36 PDT 2024
Klingon word: ghaytanHa'
Part of speech: adverb
Definition: unlikely
Source: RadioTimes
ghaytanHa' jay'
Not bloody likely! (Radio Times)
DaH tIQoy
ghaytanHa' QapDI' SuvtaH
Qunpu' Suvpu'
[Hear now] Of one who fought
Against the odds,
And even Gods. (PB)
(HQ 4.4): Whether this {-Ha'} can be added to all adverbials is not clear. The notes taken while working with Maltz indicate that he balked at {vajHa'} ("not thus"?) but accepted {Do'Ha'} "unfortunately". Information on other adverbials has not yet been uncovered, though it is probably in the notes somewhere.
ghaytan likely (adv)
ghaytan SoH ral law' Hoch ral puS 'e' vIQub
[De'vID < MO posted 2/06/2022]
chaq perhaps, may be (adv)
Ca'Non Master of the Klingons
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