[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: ghoq
Steven Boozer
sboozer at uchicago.edu
Tue Sep 17 08:07:38 PDT 2024
Klingon word: ghoq
Part of speech: verb
Definition: spy, spy on
AFAIK never used in a sentence.
ghoqwI' spy, scout PB (n)
nIteb chegh molor ngIq ghoqwI'
One by one Molor's scouts return (PB)
ghoS ghoqwI' tam 'e' yItu'
See the spy creeping (PB)
(MO to 'ISqu', 1/02/2012): For double agent, Maltz liked the slang expression {jey'naS ghoqwI'} (literally, "double-headed ax spy"). He said the non-slang term {'o'wen} could also be used for "double agent," but its meaning is a bit broader -- it's used to refer to someone (or something) of ambiguous status. As Maltz put it, "You're not quite sure if it's this or that. You think it's one thing, and it may be, but it may be another."
(HQ 12.3:8): a delegate to the Klingon Empire could well be described as a {Duy quv} "honored emissary", but if it turned out that he or she was a spy, the phrase {Duy HoQ} "falsely honored emissary" would be appropriate.
Klingon Special Occupation Order No. 4 requires that 200 local hostages be killed every two hours until a spy/saboteur is given up. (TOS "Errand of Mercy")
AYELBORNE: What are you going to do with him, Commander?"
KOR: What is always done with spies and saboteurs. He will be killed,
after he has had first-hand experience of our mind scanner.
(TOS "Errand of Mercy")
By coincidence I just saw DS9 "Our Man Bashir" last night -- the hysterical spoof of mid-20th century Bond movies. Andrew Robinson ("Garak") had some great lines:
GARAK: I take it your character is some kind of rich dilettante with a fascination
for women and weapons.
BASHIR: Actually, my character is far more disreputable. I'm a spy.
GARAK: A spy? And you live here?
BASHIR: Yes. I work for one of the nation states of this era, Great Britain, which is
battling various other nations in what is called the Cold War. This apartment,
my clothes, weapons, even my valet were provided to me by my government.
GARAK: I think I joined the wrong intelligence service.
[ ... ]
GARAK: Isn't this a rather ostentatious life for a spy?
BASHIR: It's all part of my cover. I'm posing as a wealthy jet-setter, so I have to act like one.
"Kiss the girl, get the key. They never taught me that in the Obsidian Order." (Garak to Bashir)
Daq eavesdrop (v)
lech blackmail (v)
Sorgh sabotage (v)
lInDab espionage (n)
Duy agent (n)
bobcho' module (use for a spy cell?) (n)
Ca'Non Master of the Klingons
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