[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: 'eDSeHcha

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Mon Sep 16 09:13:49 PDT 2024

Klingon Word of the Day for Saturday, September 14, 2024

Klingon word: 'eDSeHcha
Part of speech: noun
Definition: Take-Off/Landing Thrusters (plural word)
Source: BOP

muDDaq 'eDSeHcha lulaQlu'bogh:  jav 
Atmospheric Take-Off/Landing Thrusters - 6.  (KBoP)

lolSeHcha 	attitude-control (i.e. maneuvering?) thrusters (pl.) (n)
vIj 		thruster (sg.) (n)
chuyDaH 	thrusters (pl.) (n)

laQ 		fire [e.g. thrusters] (v)
ghoS 		thrust (v)
vo' 		propel (v)

Sal  		ascend (v) [use for "launch/take-off?] 
                             [do we have an official word yet?]

Saq 		land (v)
 - SaqtaHvIS toQDuj wa'vatlh loS vI' jav chorgh 'uj 'ab 'oH 
   Landing Formation Height: 36.46 M. (KBoP)
 - bISaqQo'chugh vaj bIHegh (STID)
 - tera' jar Soch, DIS wa' Hut jav Hut, maSDaq SaqmeH Qu' wa'DIch 
   HochHom turlu'taHvIS, wej logh lengwI'pu' pa'mey 'oH APOLLO 
   wa'maH wa' ra'ghom bobcho' COLUMBIA'e'. 
   The Apollo 11 Command Module, Columbia, was the living quarters 
   for the three-person crew during most of the first manned lunar
   landing mission in July 1969. (NASM)
SaqDaq  	landing site (n) (qepHom 2018)
Saqghom  	landing party (n)
Saqjan  		landing gear (n)

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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