[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: tlhagh

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Wed Sep 11 07:09:17 PDT 2024

Klingon word: tlhagh
Part of speech: noun
Definition: fat from an animal
Source: KGT

(KGT 93):  If heat is used as part of food preparation, the cook is most likely to {mIQ} (deep-fry) the food. This involves first acquiring {tlhagh} (animal fat) from any available source and then heating it up so that it boils (the general word for boil is pub, but the verb used specifically to refer to the boiling of fat is {'Im} [render]). After it has been boiling for a while, the food to be fried is tossed in (sometimes having been coated in some kind of paste), and it stays there until it has soaked up as much of the {tlhagh} (fat) as possible. A particularly popular dish, {tlhombuS}, requires that the cook coat a block of {tlhagh} with a mixture of {ngat} (herbed granulated cartilage) and {tIr} (grain) and then briefly immerse the block into the already boiling fat, just until the coating hardens.

PUN "clog"

nIm tlhagh 			butter (n)
Say'moHwI' tlhagh  		soap (n)
Ho'Du' Say'moHwI' tlhagh 	toothpaste (n)
tlhagh patat 'oQqar naQHommey  fries (n)

pI' 		be fat (v)
ror 		be fat (v)
ngIS 		lubricant (used on disruptor cannons?) (n)

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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