[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: HuchQeD

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Tue Sep 10 07:38:25 PDT 2024

Klingon word: HuchQeD
Part of speech: noun
Definition: economics
Source: KGT:p146

Also use generally for finance,  accounting, etc. ?

(KGT 148):  Mildly derogatory in its slang usage, [chelwI'] literally means "adder, one who adds".  There is no known non-slang counterpart, though {HuchQeD} (literally, "money science") is often used for economics.

Whether that hesitation is because of doubts as to the scientific rigor of the field, or just the well-known Klingon distaste for anything having to do with money (i.e. "filthy lucre") is unknown.  Remember Grilka and Gowron's shock and disgust at discovering that her warrior neighbor D'Ghor actually resorted to financial manipulation to try to seize control of her late husband's lands and property in DS9 "House of Quark":

GRILKA:  	That is not how we do things here. We are Klingons. We do not 
                             dirty ourselves with filthy ledgers looking for some financial trick. 
     < Quark is sitting at a computer console examining her financial records >
QUARK:  	D'Ghor has manipulated your family's holdings, devalued the lands 
                             you hold, and he is the principal creditor on Kozak's outstanding
		gambling debts. It's no accident your family's getting weaker and
		D'Ghor's family is getting stronger. He's been systematically attacking 
		your family's assets for over five years now. 
GRILKA:  	You mean D'Ghor has been scheming and plotting like a F... ? 
QUARK:   	Like a Ferengi!
GRILKA:  	There is no honor in what he has done. If he wanted to challenge my 
		House, he should've made a declaration, met our forces in battle. 
QUARK:   	And risk destroying the very thing he wanted most, your lands and 
     	<later,  in the Great Hall Quark tries to educate the High Council members>
QUARK:   	So, as you can see from the gross adjusted assets tabulation in column J, 
		the net value of the land acquisition was actually zero. Now, if you go 
		to the file marked Devaluation of Capital Income, we can review the 
		way D'Ghor ...
GOWRON: 	Enough! I don't want to hear anything more about finances, mergers, 
		or currency transactions. The charge has been made that you have 
		used money to bring down a Great House. What do you say to this, 
D'GHOR: 	I say that he is a liar, that he has smeared my name and I demand 
		vengeance through personal combat.
     	< later, after the "duel" in the Great Hall >
GOWRON	D'Ghor, what are you doing? I didn't want to believe the things he 
		said about you yesterday, but if you can stand here and murder this 
		pathetic little man,  then you have no honor, and you have no place 
		in this Hall. 
     	< Gowron and the Council turn their backs on D'Ghor and guards take him away > 

Huch  		money (n)
Huch chaw'  	credit card (n)
Huch jengva'  	coin (sg. only; plural is {Huch ngop})
Huch nav  	bill (i.e. currency) (n)

malja' 		business (n)
'umyotlh 	profit [i.e. monetary] (n.)

mIp 		wealth (n)
qav'ap 		sum (of money), rent (n)
qengHoD 	treasure, booty, plunder, swag, loot (n)

wa'chaw  	spreadsheet,  table (n)
tlhat   		grid (spreadsheet); lines (grid, map) (n)
wev 		row (in a table or spreadsheet) (n)
war 		column (in a table or spreadsheet) (n)

Suy 		merchant (n)
chelwI'  	accountant, financier, someone who deals in finances, accounting, etc. (slang)

mech 		trade (v)
tlhong 		bargain, barter (v)
DIl 		pay for (v)
je' 		buy, purchase (v)
ngev 		sell (v)
Suq 		acquire, obtain, get, gain (v)
baj 		earn (v)
chel  		add (v)
wagh 		be valuable (v)
mIp 		be rich (v)

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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