[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: 'urmang

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Mon Oct 28 07:46:19 PDT 2024

Klingon Word of the Day for Sunday, October 27, 2024

Klingon word: 'urmang
Part of speech: noun
Definition: treason

AFAIK not used in a canon sentence.  However, see:

'urmang!  'urmang! 
"Treason! Treason!" (Claudius, Hamlet III:2 [WSC])

WSC = Washington Shakespeare Company's "By Any Other Name: 
             An Evening of Shakespeare in Klingon" (9/25/2010)

QuS 		conspiracy (n)
QuD 		insurrection (n)
Daw' 		revolt, revolution (n)

'ur 		commit treason (v)
magh 		betray, act against (v)
Daw' 		revolt (v)
QuS 		conspire (v)
matlhHa' 	be disloyal (v)

  "Treason, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder." (Garak, DS9 "Second Skin")
  "Treason doth never prosper. What's the reason? Why, if it prospers, none dare call it treason." (John Harrington [1561-1612], Epigrams, Book IV, Epistle 5)

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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