[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: jIrmoH

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Fri Oct 25 07:47:25 PDT 2024

Klingon word: jIrmoH
Part of speech: verb
Definition: pedal
Source: qep'a' 31 [2024]
jIr  			rotate,  twirl (v)
jIrmoH  			twirl,  cause to rotate (v)

(qep'a' 2024):  When used with this meaning, a common object is {'olDop} "pedal" (or {qam Do Duj 'olDop} "bicycle pedal"), though the object need not be mentioned if the context is clear.

(qep'a' 2024):  The phrase {qam Do Duj jIrmoH} does not mean "pedal a bicycle", it means "rotate a bicycle", that is, spin it around somehow or other. The verb for riding a bicycle (or motorcycle or horse, where the passenger is controlling, to one degree or another, the motion of the vehicle or means of conveyance), is {ngIt}. 

qam Do Duj  		bicycle (n)
wa' rutlh qam Do Duj  	unicycle (n)
'olDop  			pedal [like on a bicycle] (n)

(Lieven, 7/29/2024):  If you're confused about the different definitions of pedals, I've made an explaining drawing: https://klingon.wiki/En/Pedal  

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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