[tlhIngan Hol] Fw: Aw: Re: "Prefix trick" with third-person verb prefixes

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Thu Oct 3 09:37:57 PDT 2024

On 10/3/2024 12:23 PM, Luis via tlhIngan-Hol wrote:
> I forgot to say in my last e-mail that I've commented in line. For your information, you find the link to the message with *tlhIngan vIjatlh* in that e-mail below.

Yeah, but what De'vID said was:

    (I guess beginners should take care not to say {tlhIngan vIjatlh},
    "I speak
    to the Klingon" (= {tlhInganvaD jIjatlh}), when they mean {tlhIngan Hol
    vIjatlh} "I speak Klingon".

That's not saying that *tlhIngan vIjatlh* means anything in particular; 
it's just warning not to forget the *Hol,* particularly now that verb 
prefixes might be a little more slippery with the expanded prefix trick, 
not that this necessarily means something.

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