[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: qemyu'po'

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Mon Nov 25 11:54:24 PST 2024

De’vId, thanks for explaining the pun.  Here are some more hints WRT non-specific numbers:

vatlh DIS poH                   century
SaD DIS poH                     millennium
netlh DIS poH                   period of 10,000 years, myriad?

In the qepHom 2019 booklet we read that “In paq'batlh<http://www.klingonwiki.net/bin/view/En/Paqbatlh>, {SaD law'} was used to say thousands.  You can not say {SaDmey} etc.”   Examples:

tlheDDI' quvmoHmeH veng HeHDaq lutlha' SaD law' nuvpu'
Thousands followed him to the edge of the city, to bid him farewell. (PB)

ngIq tonSaw' lo' SaD law' San chenmoH qeylIS wej boghbogh
    nuvpu' San chenmoH
In one single move, Kahless decided the fate of thousands,
    and those to come. (PB)

AFAIK we haven’t seen {'op} “some,  an unknown or unspecified quantity” used with a number-forming element, but we have seen it with time units :

'op ben                 [once,  some years in the past,  some years ago]
     'op ben pa' Dab ngan 'ej chep
     It [the territory/lands of his father] was alive and prosperous once. (PB)
'op pIq                  at some point in the future (qep’a’ 2016)
'op ret                  at some point in the past (qep’a’ 2016)
'opleS                   one day [in the future] (n) (PB)

(nIqolay Q, 10/17/2018):  The handout from qep'a' 23 just uses {'op ret} and {'op pIq}, without any further explanations or examples involving explicit time units … I think we can assume they're fine as-is. You don't really need to specify a time period because you're not being specific about how many of those periods there are anyway."


From: De'vID <de.vid.jonpin at gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, November 25, 2024 1:08 PM

Klingon word: qemyu'po'
Part of speech: noun
Definition: cerebral palsy
Source: qep'a' 30 [2023]

The campaign to raise awareness of Cerebral Palsy is called "Millions of Reasons" ('op 'uy' meq).

This might give us a hint as to how to use the number-forming powers-of-ten without a specific number, i.e., how to say "tens", "thousands", etc.

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