[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: yItram
Steven Boozer
sboozer at uchicago.edu
Mon Nov 25 07:54:15 PST 2024
Klingon Word of the Day for Saturday, November 23, 2024
Klingon word: yItram
Part of speech: noun
Definition: whistle (hand-held device) with a clear sound
Source: qepHom 2023
(qepHom 2023): A whistle with a clear sound is a {yItram}.
(Lieven, 12/15/2023): At qepHom 2023, we learned some words for whistles. Okrand just gave me some additions on their usage. Most of it basically was clear, but it's good to have a definite response: [1] These ship- or factory-type whistles cannot be "played" by a person. They're powered by some sort of energy (steam, electricity, whatever). [2] You can use {SuS} if you're playing a {mu'vIb}, and {'uq} is if there's no instrument/implement involved (except maybe your fingers). [3] The verb to activate a wall-mounted device is {chu'} (not {SuS}). The full message, include my questions, can be found here: https://qephom.de/e/message_from_maltz_231215_whistles.html"
(qepHom 2023 p.48): A whistling sound produced by using one's mouth and lips (and perhaps fingers, but no device) is termed {la'qab}. Though a bit redundant, it's fine to say {la'qab vI'uq} ("I whistle a whistle").
Cf. https://klingon.wiki/En/Whistle for more details.
'uq whistle (v)
SuS blow (into wind instrument) to produce sound (v)
chu' activate; play an instrument (v)
la'qab whistling sound (n)
mu'vIb whistle (with shrill sound) (n)
Su'wIn large whistle with a deep sound (n)
ngujlep mouthpiece (of a wind instrument) (n)
Dov'agh flute, fife (n)
Ca'Non Master of the Klingons
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