[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: jejHa'

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Fri Nov 22 07:49:45 PST 2024

Klingon word: jejHa'
Part of speech: verb
Definition: be dull

'etlh QorghHa'lu'chugh ragh 'etlh nIvqu' 'ej jejHa'choH 
Even the best blade will rust and grow dull unless it is cared for.  (TKW)

jejHa'; naH taj rur 
dull as a vegetable knife (KGT)

jejHa' pach 
The claw is dull. (KGT)

(KGT 85):  When talking about the quality of a dish, one may say ... {jejHa' pach} ("The claw is dull"; in other words, the food is bland, where {jejHa'} [dull] really means something like de-sharpened). 

(KGT 126):  If the food is bland, one may say {jejHa' pach} ("The claw is dull").

(ENT "Broken Bow"):  According to the Vulcan Cultural Database, Klingon warriors sharpen their teeth before they go into battle. 

Worf's tooth sharpener was stolen (DS9 "Bar Association") and another time Worf was so taken with Nog's Ferengi tooth sharpener that he bought it for himself (DS9 "Little Green Men"). 

Worf was seen sharpening his mek'leth with a small electronic gadget on the Defiant prior to a misstion. (DS9 "In Purgatory's Shadow")

(Star Trek: Continuum' "Klingon Linguistic Studies"):  "According to Klingon legend, when honed sharp enough [a bat'leth] can separate a man from his soul".

jej  		be sharp (v)

Qung 		be rounded, blunt (v) 
  - "like the corner of table that is not a sharp angle" (Lieven, qepHom 2018)
rutlh 		be round (like a circle) (v)
'ob 		be curved, arced (v)

N.B.  Don't confuse {jejHa'} with {qetlh} "be dull, uninteresting" or {Dal} "be boring".

"DULL: To make dictionaries is dull work." 
  - (Samuel Johnson, _A Dictionary of the English Language_  [1755])

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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