[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: moD

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Tue Nov 19 08:27:10 PST 2024

Klingon word: moD
Part of speech: verb
Definition: hurry
Source: TKD

(KGT 102f):  Some restaurants post a sign reading {moD Soj} ("the food hurries").  This means that the restaurant, sometimes called a {Do Qe'} ("velocity restaurant"), caters to those who have a limited amount of time to eat before returning to their various duties.

"Get us out of here, {moD}!" (KCD novelization, p.144)

PUN:  Depeche Mode? 
("I once asked Marc if this was a pun based on the band named Depeche Mode (depeche means hurry in French). He said that he didn't remember." [Qov, 12/20/2012])

Hurry up! (ST6, PK)
Be quick about it. (RT)

qul DIr yISop! 
Eat the fire skin! 
(KGT 110):  This phrase means "Hurry up! Move quickly!" 

chung 		accelerate (v)
nom 		fast, quickly (adv)
tugh 		soon (adv)
Do 		velocity (n)

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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