[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: ngItHel naQ

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Mon Nov 11 08:31:40 PST 2024

Klingon Word of the Day for Sunday, November 10, 2024

Klingon word: ngItHel naQ
Part of speech: noun
Definition: bow
Source: qepHom 2019

(qepHom 2019): used to play a {ngItHel} 

ngItHel  	type of musical instrument (n) (qepHom 2019)

(qepHom 2019):  It is plucked, strummed, or bowed.

(KGT 76):  Finally, a fourth type of instrument is one with strings, a {HurDagh}. Each string is a {SIrgh}, a word also used for any thread or filament. A {SIrgh} of the finest quality is made from a material secreted by insects, similar to the silk produced by silkworms. To produce music, one may either pluck ({pang}) or strum ({yach}, which also means stroke or pet) the strings. The tone produced is varied by touching the string or strings at various points while plucking or strumming. The verb used for this, perhaps translatable as to finger, is the same as the one used for wind instruments: {Heng}. The word {HurDagh} refers to any of these stringed instruments, of which there are several different types, the most commonly found being the relatively small {Supghew}. The midsize {leSpal} is fairly widely used, while the large {tIngDagh} is rarely heard except in conjunction with the performance of an opera.

One of these stringed instruments - possibly a {Supghew} - was seen being played by the Klingon Chef. He held the base of the narrow body under his chin and held the neck out with one hand and strummed/plucked the strings with the other while singing to his customers.  [DS9 "Melora"]

(nIqolay Q, 9/24/2021):  As you said earlier, we can't necessarily determine what these instruments are supposed to be just by their puns, but {ngItHel} written in xifan hol is "fithel", which is an archaic word for a fiddle. Additionally, the pamphlet from qepHom 2019 suggests that it refers specifically to a violin-like instrument: http://www.qephom.de/book/qepHom2019_p_15.jpg  "They used one of these in the production of the opera {'u'}" and the accompanying picture shows something violin-sized.

yan 		bow (used to play the {ngItHel}) (slang n.)

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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