[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: De' jengva'
Steven Boozer
sboozer at uchicago.edu
Fri Nov 8 07:55:29 PST 2024
Klingon word: De' jengva'
Part of speech: noun
Definition: compact disc, CD
Source: TalkNow - Learn Klingon!, revealed 30 September 2011
The plural is properly {De' ngop} per Okrand at qepHom'a' 2011 [source?].
(Lieven, 4/04/2017): We talked about something similar at qepHom'a', when Okrand mentioned a term used in movie production, lamps standing on a "foot", and people would talk about "foots" instead of "feet". I just don't remember the end of the discussion. I think we agreed on saying {De' jengva'mey}, although the plural of {jengva'} is {ngop}.
(qurgh, 8/15/2016):
(qurgh): "So, can we use {vuj} to express the CD player ejected the CD?"
(qunnoq) "Yes. I actually asked about that exact thing. I had a laptop that would practically launch CDs across the table when I hit the eject button, and Marc confirmed that was definitely {vuj}."
The Library on the doomed planet of Sarpeidon contained over 20,000 "verism tapes" - metallic video discs the size of a DVD - which were viewed on a tape viewer. (TOS "All Our Yesterdays")
wab qoSta' 'aplo' (audiotape) cassette [i.e. the container] (n)
Ca'Non Master of the Klingons
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