[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: chonnaQ
Steven Boozer
sboozer at uchicago.edu
Tue Nov 5 10:43:49 PST 2024
Klingon word: chonnaQ
Part of speech: noun
Definition: spear, hunting spear
(KCD): [Used in the {chontay} (ritual hunt) to hunt the large {tIqnagh} beast, it may also be called a {naQjej}, which is] "A hunting spear weighted and balanced for throwing. Used only for the killing of feral beasts."
(st.k 5/1998): The term {puq chonnaQ} is, at least in origin, somewhat derisive. It literally means "child's hunting spear," suggesting that the eating implement is small and not very effective (though the actual child's spear, as opposed to the "fork," is useful for training in the art of hunting).
(KGT 64): The shaft of a spear is the {tIH}; the sharp tip or spearhead is the {Qin}. As might be expected, there are a great many different types of {QInmey} (the plural form of {Qin}). A plain spearhead, one that is simply a sharp point, is a {QIn pup} ("perfect spearhead"). A tip with multiple points is a {QIn vagh} ("spearhead number five"), though this is a bit odd because there may be any number of points and no other spearheads are named with numbers. A spearhead that is barbed is a {SeDveq}, a word with unknown etymological origins and otherwise unused.
(KGT 64, 149): Some spears are simply thrust into an oncoming enemy. Others are generally thrown. The thrower first lowers the spear to a horizontal position (the verb describing this action is {ghuS}), then hurls it with great force (throw or hurl in this manner is {chuH}). The verb {chuH}, which is more accurately translated as "spear" -- that is, hurl a spear at, can be used only if the projectile being thrown is a spear or somehow resembles a spear. The object of the verb is the intended target: {jagh chuH SuvwI'} ("The warrior spears the enemy", or "The warrior throws [a spear] at the enemy"). One way to indicate that the target is actually hit is to add the suffix {-chu'} (perfectly) to the verb: {jagh chuHchu' SuvwI'} ("The warrior spears the enemy perfectly, The warrior hits the enemy [with a thrown spear]"). [....] The object of {chuH} is usually the intended target, the person or thing at which the spear is thrown.
The ritual hunt is undertaken "to remind us of what we are-warriors!" Although not specifically for food, any animal killed is eaten. [Worf, TNG "Birthright, Pt. II"]
chon hunt (n)
chontay ritual hunt (n)
naQ cane, staff, stick; [rifle] stock/butt (n)
chetvI' spear-throwing device (n)
tlhevjaQ type of spear (n)
- "There is ... at least one type of spear, the {tlhevjaQ}, which employs a {chetvI'}, a stick with a hook at the end, as an aid for throwing. There is a single verb, {wob}, that is used to describe the full range of activities involved in putting the spear properly into the spear-throwing aid and using the aid to hurl the spear: {tlhevjaQ wob" ('He/she puts the {tlhevjaQ} into the {chetvI'} and hurls the spear'). In speaking of this type of spear and spear-throwing technique, it is still proper to use the verb {chuH} when talking about throwing the spear at a target." [KGT 64f.]
Ca'Non Master of the Klingons
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