[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: ngang

Lieven L. Litaer levinius at gmx.de
Tue May 28 23:59:56 PDT 2024

Am 29.05.2024 um 06:58 schrieb Will Martin via tlhIngan-Hol:
> No source given for this word?

This comes from a message from MO about pronunciation which was
forwarded by De'vID to this list on Januar 16, 2019


--- begin quote (part of full message) ---
A singular interpretation of {QIch wab Ho'DoS} is possible if the intent
is to say that someone's pronunciation exhibited different varieties —
different accents: {QIch wab Ho'DoS Sar vIQoy} "I hear a varied
pronunciation, a pronunciation with different or inconsistent features."
But this is unusual, something only somebody like Henry Higgins would
say, and would probably be made clear by context. And if it wasn’t
clear, Professor Higgins would probably use a different verb altogether:
{ngang} "vary, be varying." This verb is used to express that something
is varying or deviating from the norm or is varying or fluctuating so
much that there isn’t a norm. (If the readouts on certain instruments on
a ship did this, that would probably be bad news.)
--- end quote ---

Lieven L. Litaer
aka the "Klingon Teacher from Germany"

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