[tlhIngan Hol] Number of speakers

Lieven L. Litaer levinius at gmx.de
Mon Jul 15 04:02:31 PDT 2024

You are certainly right, it must be clear what a "fluent" speaker is.
But it feels like Lawrence did not make that clear in his first
interview when he made that statement.

In my opinion, a fluent speaker does not mean to be perfect or know each
word from the book. I regard fluent in a way that one can have a basic
conversation about general topics, and one is capable of understanding
an explanation of an unknown word. Talking more technical (only for
Klingon): Basics of grammar should be understood by 80% and the
knowledge of vocabulary should be above 60%, excluding specialized
vocabulary.  (most fluent speakers of English probably have never heard
of puffins, so why should a Klingon speaker know the definition of a

Although it's interesting, I think that for the common knowledge of "the
world", it is not important to make a difference between "speaking
fluency" and "writing fluency". After all, it's very difficult to test
that. I have encountered people with whom I could communicate in Klingon
in a real life speed written chat, but speaking in person was very
difficult. Still I see those as fluent speakers.

Talking numbers: The Facebook group tlhIngan Hol jatlhwI'pu' has almost
100 members. I suppose most of them do speak Klingon at least a little.
Learn Klingon has 3,000 members, but those are learners.

Are there no other ways to find an official number of Klingon speakers?


Lieven L. Litaer
aka the "Klingon Teacher from Germany"

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