[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: yI'var

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Mon Dec 9 11:17:24 PST 2024

Klingon Word of the Day for Saturday, December 07, 2024

Klingon word: yI'var
Part of speech: noun
Definition: treatment, therapy
Source: KLI Mailing List 03/26/21

>From Lieven's post:

LLL:  "therapy" - In the sense of "a procedure to heal somebody".  I'm confused that I'm not finding anything.  Of course I could say {rachmeH mIw}, but maybe there's an option?  The sentence is something like using a name "The Dr-Maltz-Therapy will be successful" but also describing the method: "We present to you the fluoride-therapy" or "the magnetic therapy" or "ultraviolet light therapy" and so on.

MO: Perhaps you can just go with {X mIw}, where X is fluoride, magnet, ultraviolet light, etc., as long as it will always be clear from context that {mIw} refers to a health/therapeutic procedure or treatment.  If context isn't enough to make things clear, then I'll bother Maltz some more.

LLL:  This could be confusing with the existing word {porgh mIw}, whatever that could be.

MO: I don't know what "body therapy" would be either, but I do see how {porgh mIw} could make this confusing.  So instead of using {mIw}, go with {yI'var} "treatment, therapy." 

mIw  		procedure, process; step, stage (in a process); recipe, formula (n) 
nab 		plan (n)
Deryat 		program, agenda, schedule (n)
Ho'DoS 		system, method, manner, technique (n)

tagh 		begin a process (v)

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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