[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: yach

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Tue Aug 27 07:56:44 PDT 2024

Klingon Word of the Day for Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Klingon word: yach
Part of speech: verb
Definition: strum (a stringed instrument)

(KGT 76):  Each string is a {SIrgh}, a word also used for any thread or filament ... To produce music, one may either pluck ({pang}) or strum ({yach}, which also means stroke or pet) the strings.  The tone produced is varied by touching the string or strings at various points while plucking or strumming.  The verb used for this, perhaps translatable as to finger, is the same as the one used for wind instruments: {Heng}. 

(qurgh [1/09/2019] < Jaymz of the [KAG] IKV Swifthawk < MO):   A Klingon way to say dungeon is {wutlh pa'}.  There's no word for "cuddle", but {yachchuq}  gets us kind of close.  The verb {yach} means "pet" or "stroke" (like petting a dog), and {yachchuq} means "pet each other" or something like that.  {yachchuqmeH} means "for the purpose of petting each other."  So {yachchuqmeH wutlh pa'} is "underground room for petting one another" - that is, "cuddling dungeon."  If I've misunderstood what you mean by "cuddle dungeon", let me know.

  A Klingon stringed instrument was seen being played by the Klingon Chef in DS9 "Melora." He held the base of the narrow body under his chin and held the neck out with one hand and strummed/plucked the strings with the other while walking, singing to his customers.

yachwI'  	brush (n) 
jIb yachwI' 	hairbrush (n) (TNK)

Hot 		touch, feel (v)
ngIr 		knead, massage (v)
raQ 		manipulate by hand, handle (v)
chu' 		play [an instrument] (v)
Heng  		finger (holes, strings of instrument) to vary sound (v)

Saj 		pet (n)

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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