[tlhIngan Hol] New word in new book

Lieven L. Litaer levinius at gmx.de
Wed Aug 21 04:35:01 PDT 2024

Hello dear friends of the Klingon language!

I had it announced on other places already: My new book "Klingon at
Conventions" which I had published in German this year, is now available
in English too.

Within the book, you won't encounter any lessons or tutorials. Instead,
each chapter has a short dialogue for situations one might encounter at
a convention. After each introductory dialogue, there is a two-page
chapter on the grammatical content of the lesson, followed by two pages
on pronunciation.

The book is primarily aimed at advanced learners, but is also a
practical learning companion for beginners and useful as a basis for
attending a convention.

The book contains a QR code leading to a page with audio files.

As in this book, the main character encounters an actor at the con, the
word for "signature" and "sign" was provided by Maltz (announced several
weeks ago) - {tlhI'}

Additionally, the book has a short chapter on clothing, which includes
an important part of a Klingon uniform for which we did not have a word,
until now: It's the shoulder piece attached on top of Klingon uniform,
which is called {jorngab}.

The book can be ordered nearly worldwide on Amazon:

(German citizens should consider using our webshop on klingonisch.de)

Lieven L. Litaer
aka the "Klingon Teacher from Germany"

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