[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: vu'

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Mon Aug 12 07:27:36 PDT 2024

Klingon Word of the Day for Monday, August 12, 2024

Klingon word: vu'
Part of speech: verb
Definition: manage

AFAIK not used in a sentence.

vu'wI'  		manager (n)
Qu' vu'wI' yaH 	Mission Ops (STC) (n)

che' 		rule, reign, run, preside  (v)
qum 		govern (v)
Dev 		lead, guide (v)
loH 		administer (v)
ghatlh 		dominate (v)
ra' 		order, command (v)

qumwI' 		governor (n)
DevwI' 		leader (n)
loHwI' 		magistrate (n)
pIn 		boss (n)
ngup 		authority, power, one in authority, one in power, one in charge (n)

cho' 		succeed (to authority) (v)
gheS 		assume duties of, take on responsibilities (v)
Son 		relieve (v)
Sugh 		install [in office] (v)

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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