[tlhIngan Hol] Lexicon size of tlhIngan Hol

Lieven L. Litaer levinius at gmx.de
Wed Sep 27 22:52:40 PDT 2023

Am 28.09.2023 um 02:18 schrieb James Landau via tlhIngan-Hol:
> Hmmm . . . I checked out http://klingon.wiki/En/NumberOfWords and saw this:

Thanks for your corrections.

Generally, I must admit that this list you see there is not 100%
correct. It just cannot be. The problem for that is two things: First,
the starting numbers are not so accurate because there were too many
separate sources back then, and second the the question is what is
counted as a word or not. Especially when Okrand uses existing words to
define a new one, is that a word? And when he combines new words, is
each combination a new word? (is {tIrI'nIDaD tabey'gho je} one or two or
three words? In the Klingon Wiki, it generates 3 new entries)

But no matter what, its surely safe to say we have over 5,000 words.

Lieven L. Litaer
aka the "Klingon Teacher from Germany"

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