[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: HaySIn

SuStel sustel at trimboli.name
Wed Sep 20 08:53:47 PDT 2023

On 9/20/2023 11:33 AM, Klingon Word via tlhIngan-Hol wrote:
> And it's also a pun based on Hyacinth Bucket, from Keeping Up 
> Appearances, who would claim that her last name is pronounced Bouquet 
> even though it's spelled Bucket.

ghobe', nay' cha'maH loS, nay' wejmaH Soch tIn joq DaghajlaHbe'. naDev 
moDbe' jungwoq Soj. tlhIn slimline ghogh HablI'vam 'ej chIS, 'ej 
rarchuqbe' 'oH malja' je. rarchuqbe'bej 'oH malja' novqu' je!


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