[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: Do'

Lieven L. Litaer levinius at gmx.de
Thu Sep 7 11:54:46 PDT 2023

Am 07.09.2023 um 16:12 schrieb Steven Boozer via tlhIngan-Hol:
> (st.k 9/01/1997):  As for how to use {Sum} "be near, nearby" -- that will require some more time with Maltz.  {Do' Sum matlh}.

If anyone prefers to keep notes more precisely, they should mark this
entry differently.

Although it was all the same group, the name of it changed over time.

- Everything from 1996 and 1997 was in a Usenet group called "Microsoft
Network expert forum", and was therefore mostly abbreviated "msn+date"

- Messages from the first half of 1998 were in the group named "Star
Trek Expert Forum", usually abbreviated "st.e"

- Anything after Summer 1998 until 1999 was in a group known as
"startrek.klingon", abbreviated "st.k".

(I don't really care how you do it, because most people would either
understand or not care what "st.k" stands for. I'm just letting you know
about the differences)

Find a list of those messages on the Klingon Language Wiki:

Lieven L. Litaer
aka the "Klingon Teacher from Germany"

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