[tlhIngan Hol] DIvI' Hol mu' vIpoQ

Lieven L. Litaer levinius at gmx.de
Wed Oct 11 22:25:33 PDT 2023

I have an unusual request: I'm looking for an English word, and I can't
look it up in the Dictionary because the term is quite general.

wanI' Huj vIchenmoH: DIvI' Hol mu' vISamnIS. Do'Ha' lI'be' mu'ghom, mu'
le' 'oHbe'chugh mu'vam.

What is the correct English word for the metal frame that is used on a
barbecue where you put the meat on?

chay' baS tlhat ponglu'? roD Ha'DIbaH meQmeH 'oH lo'lu'. DIvI' Hol mu'

And when such a grid is used on a window to stop birds or intruders,
what's that term?

'ej 'elwI' botmeH QorwaghDaq jomlu'chugh, vaj chay' 'oH ponglu'?


Lieven L. Litaer
aka the "Klingon Teacher from Germany"

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