[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: Qan

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Tue Oct 10 07:46:52 PDT 2023

Klingon Word of the Day for Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Klingon word: Qan
Part of speech: verb
Definition: protect
Source: TKD

Qang yIQan! 
[Protect the Chancellor! (untranslated)] ST6

ghop luQan tajHommey 
[the blades on a Daqtagh] providing both a hand guard... SP2

I protect you. KLS

Qang QanmeH yan 'ISletlh Damuv 'e' wIvlu'. 
You are chosen to serve on the Yan-Isleth and protect the chancellor. MKE

(KGT 161):  Literally meaning "be dry", the word {QaD} may be applied to just about anything: a person, object, place, and so forth. For example, {QaD puq} ("The child is dry") means that the child is safe; {vengHom QaD} ("dry village") means that the village is protected. This slang meaning may have developed in part because of the Klingon association of water with weakness (as opposed to the strength of blood or ale, for that matter) and in part because of the phonetic similarity of {QaD} to {Qan} (protect). In the Krotmag dialect, source of many idiomatic expressions, {QaD} would be pronounced almost as if {Qan}

QanwI'  		guard (n) KBoP [lit. "protector"]
   DIr QanwI' taS 	   suntan lotion (n) TNK
   mIn QanwI' 		   eyeglasses  (n) TNK
   mIn QanwI' nguv 	   sunglasses  (n) TNK
   tal QanwI' 		   cannon guard [i.e. protective armor plating] (n) KBoP

yoD 			shield (v)
toD 			rescue, save (v)
Hub 			defend (v)
'av 			guard (v)
Dor 			escort (v)
bot 			prevent, block, prohibit (v)
wun 			be vulnerable, unprotected (v)

The bridge of a 22nd century Bird of Prey is protected by “dispersive armor”. (ENT “The Augments”)

DROXINE:  I don't like filters, or even masks. I like the word "protector" much 
	     better, don't you? 
SPOCK: 	     It is less technical, therefore less accurate, but perhaps more generally 
	     descriptive of the function. (TOS “The Cloud Minders”)

Voragh, Ca'Non Master of the Klingons
    Please contribute relevant vocabulary from recent qep’a’mey 
    or qepHommey. I’ve fallen woefully behind in updating my files.

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