[tlhIngan Hol] Apposition in the *paq'batlh*

luis.chaparro at web.de luis.chaparro at web.de
Sun Oct 22 11:05:55 PDT 2023

Thank you, charghwI' and ghunchu'wI' for your replies!


> Nothing in the English sentence tells us whether “Son of Markag” is in apposition with just “Molar” or “envoy of Molar.

I'm not a native English speaker, but in Spanish this ambiguity is also possible, although the combination proper noun and *son of* is very common, so I would probably interpret it at first sight as apposition to *Molor*. I don't find *Markag* again in the *paq'batlh*, but at Memory Beta Molor is defined as the son of Markag: https://memory-beta.fandom.com/wiki/Molor

Anyway, the Klingon text seems to say something different, but as Voragh showed, in other canonical examples of apposition only the second noun has a type 5 suffix, so if the envoy is the son I would have expected: *molor Duy marqagh puqloD’e’*.

> That mismatch is why Luis (and others) questioned the correctness of the line.

> The appropriate answer is probably "The line does not say the same thing in Klingon and in English. The English is most likely right, and the Klingon is most likely wrong."

Thank you for clarifying it!

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