[tlhIngan Hol] unwanted unsubscribe

Lieven L. Litaer levinius at gmx.de
Tue Oct 3 00:09:52 PDT 2023

Am 03.10.2023 um 01:33 schrieb MorphemeAddict via tlhIngan-Hol:
> I just got an email from tlhIngan-Hol-bounces that says I have been
> unsubscribed. Why did that happen, is it true, and how can I rejoin?

I think you might have misread the sender's email address.
chaq QInvetlh ngevwI' Quv DalaDHa'.

We have recently closed the German tlhingan-hol discussion group,
because there was nearly no interest in using it.

qen DoyIchlan tlhIngan Hol ghojwI' ghom wIchu'Ha'. 'oH lo'taHmo' ghot
puS neH.

Even when I asked inside the list if people would object to closing it,
merely five people (of about a hundred listed members) answered to that,
so it was very clear there was no more interest.

vabDot jeSwI' vIyu'DI', jang vagh neH, vaj SaHbe'ba' vay'.

Most German learners and speakers are now on Facebook and Discord.

DaHjaj DiscordDaq qabpaqDaq joq ghom HochHom DoyIchlan tlhIngan Hol

Lieven L. Litaer
aka the "Klingon Teacher from Germany"

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