[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: chabHom

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Tue Nov 14 07:33:51 PST 2023

Klingon word: chabHom
Part of speech: noun
Definition: cookie (food)

 Lieven (qepHom 2015):  
  MO:   {chabHom} is fine as a general term for a cookie (food). A {bIQyIn} 
             is a specific type of {chabHom} that's sort of two {chabHommey} 
             stuck together. They're on top of each other, like a sandwich.
  LL:      Like a sandwich... Maltz didn't mention the word sandwich being
             called a {HIlel}?
  MO:   Maltz never said that - Mark Shoulson said that! 

[Okrand later admitted he was wrong:  {HIlel} was actually coined by Captain Krankor.]

(SuStel, 7/10/2004):   At a qep'a' a few years ago, we asked Marc Okrand about this, and he said that {chab} would work for this. The word means any baked bread or crust sort of food. So, doughnuts are {chab}, turnovers are {chab}, and pizza is {chab}. Mince pie would be {chab}. Bagels are {chab}.  […]  {chab} doesn't equal bread. Don't expect your audience to know what kind of {chab} you mean unless you say it. You may be talking about a hamburger bun, but I'm going to wonder why you're putting meat into your apple turnovers.

(Lieven [date?]):  [*{tIr Soj}] was used at the qepHom, I don't know who, but it was some German who came up with this description. But *{tIr Soj} could also be corn flakes, or Weizenbier. It's not the word for bread either.

(Lieven < MO, qepHom 2017):  When you cut your bread and the crumbs fall out (like snow), you use the verb {peD}. […]  During explaining, it seemed like the bread is the subject of {peD}, but also the bread crumbs themselves.

chab  			pie,  tart,  dumpling (n)
pItSa'chab 		pizza (n)
'Iwchab 		blood pie (n)
ro'qegh'Iwchab  	rokeg blood pie (n)

tIr 			grain  (n)
tIr ngat  		bread crumbs (n) (Alice)
tIr ngogh 		bread (n)
Ha'DIbaH ghIH tIr ngogh je 	burger (n) TNK
tIq Hom 		dim sum (n)
jInjoq 			type of bread (n) (KRAD)

OCETT :      The Yridian who sold us the information claimed that the 
	        program would yield the key to an unlimited power source. 
PICARD :    But until we assemble it, we will never know its purpose. 
OCETT :      He's right. As far as we know, it might just be a recipe for biscuits. 
NU'DAQ :   Biscuits?  If that is what you believe, then go back to Cardassia. 
                      I will send you my mother's recipe. [TNG "The Chase"]

mIw  			recipe, formula (qep’a’ 2019);  procedure, process;  
                             	step, stage (in a process)  (n)

WORF:		It is a cellular peptide cake, with mint frosting. Would you like a bite?
                             [TNG “Phantasms”]

chertIS  		mint,  menthoid plant (n)

Voragh, Ca'Non Master of the Klingons
    Please contribute relevant vocabulary from recent qep’a’mey 
    or qepHommey. I’ve fallen woefully behind in updating my files.

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