[tlhIngan Hol] Klingon Word of the Day: Sach

Steven Boozer sboozer at uchicago.edu
Wed Nov 8 07:33:53 PST 2023

Klingon Word of the Day for Wednesday, November 08, 2023

Klingon word: Sach
Part of speech: verb
Definition: expand

mataHmeH maSachnIS 
To survive, we must expand. TKW 

(Lieven < MO, 12/02/2018):  {Sach} can be used as an adjective, yes.  Basically, {Sach} means to expand.  If a person works on a book, or a device, and improves it, makes it better than before, then they {SachmoH} the thing.  The result is, as an example, a {paq Sach} an expanded book.

(Lieven, qepHom 2018):  ... can be used for: "be amplified, fleshed out, elaborated, increased in scope", etc. Okrand later explained on the example of a book: if you make an expanded version of it, then you {paq SachmoH};  "the book expands"  {Sach paq} and you end up with a {paq Sach}, an "extended book." 

(qep’a’ 2021):  {jo'} is used for {zoom in on} (the object is the image).  {jo'Ha'} is" zoom out" (applied to something that was previously zoomed in on).  In context, {Sach} "expand, be amplified, be increased in scope" can be used for "be magnified.” 

  "There are poor planets in the Klingon systems. We must push outward if we are to survive." (Mara, TOS "Day of the Dove"; cf. klingonaase *Nal komerex, khesterex* "That which does not grow, dies" (The Final Reflection)]

  "You've tried to hem us in, cut off vital supplies, strangle our trade!"(Kor, TOS "Errand of Mercy")

  “There are many Klingons who say we have been at peace too long, that the Empire must expand in order to survive. Fear of the Dominion has given my people an excuse to do what they were born to do. To fight and to conquer. (Worf, DS9 “The Way of the Warior”)

tIn		be big,  large (v)
ghur 		increase (v)
lun 		swell (up) (v)
Dej 		collapse (v)

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