[tlhIngan Hol] sea vs ocean vs lake

Lieven L. Litaer levinius at gmx.de
Tue Nov 21 00:23:45 PST 2023

The question was what is the difference between a lake
and an ocean? How would one translate "sea"?

Maltz said:

sea is {bIQ'a'}. — A lake (ngeng) is completely surrounded by land.

An ocean (bIQ'a') is a large expanse of water which may be connected to
one or more other bIQ'a'mey, including smaller ones often called "seas"
in English.

(qepHom 2023, p. 53)

Additionaly, the Black Sea was translated as {bIQ'a' qIj}.

Klingon Word Wiki:

Lieven L. Litaer
aka the "Klingon Teacher from Germany"

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