[tlhIngan Hol] Maltz about HaSta

Lieven L. Litaer levinius at gmx.de
Mon Nov 20 23:52:17 PST 2023

Maltz clarified the word {HaSta}:

{HaSta} actually means "video," that is, moving (well, usually moving)
visual images. When used by itself on a ship, as part of ship's jargon,
however, it refers to the "visual display" mode of a {jIH} (viewing

{HaSta jIH} (television) is "video viewing screen," that is, a viewing
screen that displays video. (Although {HaSta jIH} literally means the
television's screen alone, it is used to refer to the entire device.)

{HaSta jIH much} ("television show"), frequently shortened to {HaSta
much}, is based on {HaSta jIH} (not on {HaSta} alone) and refers to what
is presented on the television screen (the content, not just the images).

(qepHom 2023, p. 52)

Klingon Word Wiki:

Lieven L. Litaer
aka the "Klingon Teacher from Germany"

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