[tlhIngan Hol] qepHom 2023 new words

James Landau savegraduation at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 20 15:20:27 PST 2023

Here are the puns I've been able to crack so far from this year's qepHom:

'Ilyaw' (epitome, or the very best of something): Wile E. Coyote uses products from Acme. The word "acme" means something of the highest quality one can get.

la'qab     (whistling sound): Lauren Bacall famously taught Humphrey Bogart how to whistle.

mu'vIb     whistle (with shrill sound): "Word from the future" -- that'd be a word of (fore)warning. The explantion for *mu'vIb* did say it's the kind of whistle used for warnings.

ruv nay' (dessert): This misunderstanding is obviously from the phrase "just deserts". Ha, ha, ha.

reDlIgh (fluorine): *reDligh* backwards = guilder = florin = fluorine. majQa'!

re'Hom'at (scarf (on neck)): Something to do with "achieve-maker-er" = neckerchief?

rID'oH (barley): A rearrangement of the sounds in HORDE-, from Hordeum, the Latin name for barley.

yuvwan (community  [a not organized group of people with same interest]): Sounds like "you've won", but I', not sure of what the allusion is.
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